Author: <span>elysianluo</span>

Peer Review: Misconceptions about Learners with Disabilities The document of your group is simple and easy to follow. The topic of this blog is about learning disability, which is compared to an umbrella term for a variety of disorders such as dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and dyslexia. Despite the fact that these issues have been studied for over …

POST 4: Interaction

Students learn best when they are ‘active’ participants in their education. When studying, students can interact in three distinct ways. Each requires a somewhat different combination of media and technology. Learners’ contact with learning resources may be considerably aided by technology. However, it has limits in terms of developing higher …


Learning, according to behaviorism, is associated with changes in the form or frequency of observable performance. When a suitable reaction is displayed following the presentation of a stimulus, learning has occurred. There is no attempt to establish the structure of a student’s knowledge or to assess which mental processes are …