Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups to promote students working together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. It can be formal or informal, but often involves specific instructor intervention to maximize student interaction and learning. The concept is infinitely adaptable, working in small and large classes and across disciplines, and can be one of the most effective teaching approaches available to college instructors. Students are asked to answer a question and then share their answers with classmates, using the graph as a stimulus for large class discussion. In formal cooperative learning students work together for one or more class periods to complete a joint task or assignment. The instructor defines the learning objectives for the activity and assigns students to groups.
The use of cooperative learning groups in education is founded on the constructivist concept, with special emphasis on the contribution that social interaction may provide. Constructivism is based on the premise that people learn by constructing their own knowledge and linking new ideas and experiences to previous information and experiences. Changing the instructor’s role from lecturing to group facilitation fosters this social atmosphere for students to learn through interaction. Across research, cooperative learning outperforms both competitive and individualistic learning in terms of academic attainment.
Cooperative group learning improves student involvement and academic success. Groups of two to six people are typically advised, with groups of three members doing their best in various problem-solving activities. To minimize frequent challenges in group work, assigning responsibilities to group members might be beneficial (e.g., manager, skeptic, educator, conciliator). Individual contributions account for a fraction of a group’s grade, which helps to counteract the free-rider problem.
Group work: Using cooperative learning groups effectively. (n.d.). Vanderbilt University; Retrieved June 26, 2022, from,students%20to%20learn%20through%20interaction.